The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

Dear Fortitude family,

Welcome back to my midweek motivation! Each day and week brings its own set of experiences and inspirations, compelling me to share my thoughts with all of you.

When I look in the mirror I see two people; the person I am today and the person I ought to be. One day those two will meet. Each of us, every day, is faced with the embodiment of our current selves set against the outlook of our potential.

1. The Dual Role of Reflection

Often, reflection is seen as a passive act - an observation. Yet, for the elite, it serves a dual role: a tool for assessment and a catalyst for change. Every second of dedication, every scar of resilience on our bodies tells a story. It’s crucial to periodically pause, acknowledge, and assess how far we've come and to propel the drive for what lies ahead.

2. Embracing the Journey

Understanding that progress isn't always linear is pivotal. There will be setbacks; times when the image in the mirror might seem more distant than ever. These moments are not failures but feedback. They tell us where we need to put in more work, where our weaknesses lie, and where the next breakthrough awaits.

3. Build Fortitude

This is where building fortitude becomes the most important; in our weakest moments. Have the wherewithal to embrace the suck, endure the hard times and push through. Fortitude is the tenacious and resilient pursuit of understanding one's boundaries, courageously and consistently pushing to the edge of discomfort without causing irreversible harm. The only way to find your boundaries is to push past them

4. Tools for Transformation

  • Visualization: Before every challenge, close your eyes and visualize not just the win, but the feeling, the environment, the hurdles, and the euphoria. Visualize your perfect reps over and over again. Train your mind to experience success before it manifests.

  • Affirmations: Words hold power. Find phrases that resonate with your journey and your goals, even if you have yet to achieve them. Repeat them, believe in them. They serve as a mental anchor in turbulent times.

  • Feedback: Your peers, mentors, and coaches offer a perspective you might miss. Regular feedback sessions, while sometimes hard to digest, provide a roadmap for growth. Be the one willing to take the harsh criticism to improve.

5. Beyond the Physical

Mastering one's physique is but one dimension. The depth of mental endurance, emotional intelligence, and spiritual grounding often remain untapped. As elite athletes, weaving these into our regimen ensures we are not just strong but resilient and tenacious.

One day, when I look in the mirror, the person I am and the person I ought to be will finally meet. Then there’ll be a greater version of me waiting down the road. We are never a finished product and that’s the beauty about the pursuit.

Warm regards,

Colin Jonov CEO & Founder, Athletic Fortitude