The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

Welcome to The Fortitude Chronicle, a weekly newsletter devoted to helping you enhance mental fortitude and conquer life's challenges.

In this weeks edition, we dive deep into the realms of overcoming excuse making, offering insights and actionable steps to elevate your growth journey. Read on to discover how to harness their transformative power.

We also invite our readers to share their own unique perspectives. If you're inspired and wish to contribute your own experiences or reflections, we encourage you to reach out. The opportunity to ghost write and bring fresh insights to our community is always open.

Monday’s Mindset

Just… stop making excuses. Make it as simple as either you do or you don’t; you did or you didn’t.

Let’s address something that might have been eating away at many of us for some time now: the habitual creation of excuses. Even when these excuses sound genuine or reasonable, their value in our growth trajectory is zero. Remember, while some excuses may be valid in the immediate moment, they seldom play a beneficial role in our long-term narrative. Embracing this understanding is the first step towards a future of infinite potential and growth.

1. Embrace Discomfort:

Understanding the Role of Discomfort: Every challenge, uncertainty, or unfamiliar territory carries with it a certain degree of discomfort. It’s a natural reaction, our body's way of signaling that we’re deviating from our norm. But what if we shifted our perspective to view discomfort not as a warning sign but as a signal for potential growth?

Taking Action: The next time you’re confronted with a task that's outside your comfort zone –  a new role at work, a leadership position,  a challenging workout, or even just introducing yourself to a stranger – pay attention to your initial reaction. Is it to retreat, or to face it head-on? Start with small steps. Every little act of confronting discomfort compounds over time, transforming you into a resilient, adaptable, and fearless individual.


Discomfort is not your enemy. Rather, it’s an indicator that you're pushing your boundaries. Every time you feel uneasy or out of your comfort zone, it’s a sign that growth is right around the corner. Think of it as a muscle – the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. This week, challenge yourself to do one thing that makes you slightly uncomfortable. Whether it’s public speaking, initiating a difficult conversation, or trying something new, embrace that feeling. Over time, you’ll begin to equate discomfort with personal development.

2. Extreme Accountability: If It’s Not Your Fault, It Still Is

Deciphering Accountability vs. Blame: At its core, accountability is about ownership – of actions, decisions, and their outcomes. It’s not about self-blame or being hard on oneself. Rather, it’s recognizing our role in a situation and learning from it.

Taking Action: Practice introspection. Whenever a situation goes wrong, take a moment to assess your role. Could you have communicated better? Was there a step you overlooked? Were there signs you ignored? By understanding and acknowledging your part, you empower yourself to make informed decisions in the future, nurturing growth and fortifying trust, both in yourself and from others.


We've all been there – something goes wrong, and our immediate reaction is to find a reason (or someone) to blame. But what if, instead of deflecting, we took extreme accountability? Even when it's not directly our fault, there's usually something we could have done differently. Taking responsibility not only aids in problem-solving but also empowers us to be in control of our actions and their consequences. Next time an issue arises, before pointing fingers, ask yourself, "What could I have done better?"

3. Care Deeply, But Detach Outcome from Identity

Balancing Passion with Detachment: Passion drives us and gives our endeavors meaning. However, a fine line exists between caring about an outcome and intertwining it with our self-worth. When our identity becomes too tied to our successes or failures, our emotional well-being becomes a rollercoaster.

Taking Action: Begin by setting clear boundaries between your tasks/goals and your sense of self. Celebrate achievements, but understand they enhance, not define, who you are. Similarly, failures offer lessons, not verdicts on your worth. Practice mindfulness or journaling to differentiate between your efforts and the outcomes. Over time, you’ll find peace in knowing that outcomes, good or bad, don’t define your essence.


Passion and commitment to a task or goal are admirable. It drives us forward and fuels our progress. However, it’s crucial to understand the difference between being invested in the outcome and letting the outcome define you. While it’s essential to care deeply about the results, tying your identity to them can lead to unnecessary stress and self-worth issues. Celebrate your achievements, learn from your failures, but remember - you are more than the sum of your outcomes.

As we wrap up this week's insights, let’s commit to stopping the excuse-making cycle. Whether we acknowledge it or not, excuses only lead to a dead-end street filled with regret and stagnation. We all have the potential for greatness. And that potential is maximized when we embrace discomfort, take extreme accountability, and invest deeply without letting outcomes define our worth.

Stay empowered and keep building fortitude!

Best Regards,

Colin Jonov, Founder & CEO Athletic Fortitude

P.S. Want to share your experiences or challenges with us? Reply to this newsletter or connect with me on social media @ColkyJonov10. I’m here to support you on your journey!

3 This Week:

Featured Story:

Featured Episode:

The Identity Shift You Must Make

Listen to this episode from THE ED MYLETT SHOW on Spotify. Today, I WANT YOU TO FOCUS ON YOU.Many people overlook it, but the truth is you can't figure out your place in the world until you figure out who you are.This 1:1 episode is all about your IDENTITY and how you can use a razor-sharp understanding of yourself to…🔥 ACCOMPLISH the big-ticket goals in your life🔥 Enjoy healthier and more LOVING RELATIONSHIPS🔥 Consistently live in your peak FINANCIAL, PHYSICAL and MENTAL statesWhether you want to hear it or not, if you’re not checking all these boxes, the only person responsible for that is YOU and your perception of who you are.IDENTITY is the most important foundational building block that affects every other part of your life.It’s what you believe is the TRUTH about yourself.When those truths serve you well, you’ll lead a great life. When they don’t, you’ve got work to do to change your thoughts about who you are and what you deserve by changing your INTERNAL THERMOSTAT.Listen closely as I explain how you can tap into that identity thermostat using FAITH, INTENTION, and ASSOCIATION.This episode is a wake-up call for you to LOOK IN THE MIRROR and decide who you are and that you’re worthy of the best that life has to offer.The only way to do that is to work on your IDENTITY.Because who you believe who you are is eventually the person you will become.