The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

Dear Fortitude family,

Welcome back to my midweek motivation! Each day and week brings its own set of experiences and inspirations, compelling me to share my thoughts with all of you.

I've discussed this topic in the past, but it has been resurfacing recently, so I wanted to revisit its importance. It's very easy to become entitled to an outcome, thinking we deserve it simply because we worked hard. The truth is, working hard is the bare minimum. It's the foundation that merely gives you a chance at success; it doesn't guarantee it. That's why building mental and emotional fortitude is so important—because athletics and life are hard. They will beat you up and punish you. Even when you're doing everything right, you can still lose. That's the beauty of life, though. We yearn for a life replete with answers. Yet, if we had all the answers, there would be nothing left worth pursuing. Find the beauty in the unknown. Find the lessons in failure. Always—always—get back up and keep pushing forward.

The truth is, as an individual who naturally works hard, you will create opportunities to win. But if you're working harder than everyone else and still losing, you might wonder, what else can I do? The real answer, which few may admit, is that there's nothing you can do to guarantee success completely. However, there are numerous actions you can take to increase your chances of success. Being tenacious will be your number one asset in every area of life. Tenacity is different from merely working hard; tenacious people never give up. They don't just commit to getting better—they commit to blasting through barriers. They don't simply bounce back from adversity—that would be resilience—they thrive in adversity, becoming dramatically improved individuals. They adopt the mindset that welcomes pain and setbacks, knowing it's their edge, as they're more battle-tested than anyone else. They'll rise to the top in any environment because they are relentless.

In considering the approach to work, it's not sufficient to simply work hard; one must work hard with intelligence. Don't be the person who spends a lifetime chopping down a tree with an axe when you could use a chainsaw. This metaphor is crucial for understanding the essence of effective labor. It's about choosing the right tools and strategies that will streamline your work and maximize results. Focus on tasks that not only demand your effort but also promise personal and professional growth. Be discerning in your pursuits—every action should be a calculated step towards your ultimate goals, ensuring that your hard work is as impactful as it is vigorous.

In your journey of self-maximization, it's also vital to focus on honing the skills and talents that are uniquely yours. Play to your strengths, intensify your efforts where you excel, but also seek out those who will challenge you—intellectual sparring partners who will make you face your lesser abilities. While you can't perfect every weakness, you can identify and improve upon the most crucial ones. This doesn't mean a myopic obsession with your shortcomings but rather a strategic engagement with them. It's about having a laser focus on where to apply your hard work. Don't labor in vain; labor with precision and with the awareness that your efforts should be directed towards areas where they will be most effective and where improvement is most needed.

As we venture forward on our paths, let's carry with us the understanding that hard work is the baseline, not the pinnacle, of our endeavors. It's the relentless pursuit, the intelligent application of our strengths, and the strategic combat against our weaknesses that will set us apart. Remember, it is not the sheer volume of effort that defines our legacy; it is the caliber of our actions and the resilience of our spirit. So arm yourself with tenacity, wield your capabilities with precision, and step into the arena with an unwavering resolve to not only face the challenges head-on but to master the art of turning every struggle into a stepping stone towards greatness. That is the hallmark of true fortitude.

To Building Fortitude.

Warm regards,

Colin Jonov CEO & Founder, Athletic Fortitude