The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

Dear Fortitude family,

Welcome back to my midweek motivation! Each day and week brings its own set of experiences and inspirations, compelling me to share my thoughts with all of you.

I always have a long list of topics about which to write. However, I aim to pen only those subjects that exert a true gravitational pull on me. This Thursday, I am compelled to write about the above Tweet. A harsh reality that many find difficult to accept is that we might be mediocre. We aren't outstanding. We haven't achieved anything exceptional. We don't carry out extraordinary deeds. For some, this mediocrity is acceptable. They're content leading ordinary lives without pushing their limits. This isn't to knock them; it's simply who they are. The issue lies with the vast number of individuals leading average lives who either feel entitled to more or haven't genuinely pushed themselves to realize their potential. Let's attack the first point:

Many people in this world deceive themselves. It's possible to lie to me, friends, family, and even the public through media and social platforms. However, you cannot lie to the reflection in the mirror. If you're not wholly obsessed about a pursuit, mastery will never be achieved. That, and that alone, is why you haven't achieved the things you believe you are entitled to. It's common for us to make excuses for why we aren't where we want to be. We blame external factors such as organizations and coaches holding some vendetta against us. While this might occasionally be the case, the point is to be so great that no one can ignore you. If you haven't reached this level, it's no one's fault but your own. Achieving this exceptional standard requires an obsessive dedication. Regardless of whether you're an elite athlete or a mechanical engineer, excellence demands relentless effort. Thus, introspect: am I genuinely passionate and giving it my all? Or am I coasting? If it's the former, your dedication will be evident in the time committed. If it's the latter, you must decide: find obsession or settle for mediocrity. But with half-hearted efforts, expect nothing more than average results.

Moving to the second point: every one of us possesses the potential for greatness. We are all unique, genetically one of one. The challenge lies in the commitment required. Pursuing greatness becomes more feasible when driven by genuine passion. This drive often trumps desires for entertainment or social engagements, not to say one shouldn't ever indulge. But the allure of greatness should surpass the comfort of conformity. Achieving greatness is a lonely path. One few are willing to take. Be one of the few. The challenge is to strike that equilibrium between innate talents and the effort needed to master them. Many recognize their natural abilities but are we truly mastering them? Do we push ourselves to master these talents, or do external deterrents distract us? Only you can determine that. However, I can assure you of one thing: you have the capacity for greatness. Believe in yourself, go all in, and as the renowned Nike slogan urges: Just Do It.

Warm regards,

Colin Jonov CEO & Founder, Athletic Fortitude