The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

Everything Has a Price

The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

Welcome to The Fortitude Chronicle, a weekly newsletter devoted to helping you enhance mental fortitude and conquer life's challenges.

In this week's edition, we discuss how everything has a price.

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The Athletic Fortitude Show

Monday Momentum

For the Relentless Mind

Everything Has a Price

A Michelin-starred chef once said his kitchen’s secret ingredient: regret. Not for the dishes he created, but for the birthdays missed, relationships strained, and quiet mornings sacrificed to pursue culinary perfection. His confession reveals an unspoken truth: Everything worth having comes with a receipt—and the cost is always paid in advance.

The Calculus of Choice

Every decision—action or inaction—operates like a ledger:


Visible Reward

Hidden Cost

CEO Role

Power, Influence

Chronic Stress, Isolation

Artistic Mastery

Creative Immortality

Financial Instability


Comfort, Low Expectations

Dormant Potential

The athlete craving a championship trophy isn’t just signing up for glory—they’re consenting to 4 AM workouts, invasive media scrutiny, and the loneliness of obsession. The parent prioritizing family harmony pays in career opportunities and personal ambitions.

There’s no such thing as a cost-free choice—only trade-offs we’re willing to stomach.

The Myth of Pain-Free Living

We often fantasize about “having it all,” but this ignores the physics of life: Energy spent in one area cannot be invested elsewhere.

  • Strength demands bearing weights that bruise your shoulders

  • Freedom requires tolerating uncertainty that churns your stomach

  • Peace asks you to release control over outcomes you crave

Even opting out has consequences. The writer who abandons their novel to avoid rejection pays in lingering “what ifs.” The entrepreneur who avoids risk to dodge failure pays in resentment toward their safer path.

The Preparation Paradox

Before envying someone’s success, study their receipts:

  • Olympic swimmers don’t just “love swimming”—they’ve accepted chlorine-burned eyes, torn rotator cuffs, and holidays spent staring at black lines on pool floors

  • Best-selling authors don’t just “have talent”—they’ve endured hundreds of rejections, existential doubt, and the vulnerability of sharing their inner world

  • Peaceful retirees didn’t just “get lucky”—they tolerated decades of corporate drudgery to fund their eventual freedom

This isn’t about pessimism—it’s about sober alignment. When you romanticize a goal without auditing its costs, you set yourself up for resentment.

How to Choose Your Pain Wisely

1. Conduct a Cost Audit

For every ambition, ask:

  • What habits/routines must I adopt? (e.g., CEO: 80-hour weeks)

  • What comforts must I surrender? (e.g., Artist: stable income)

  • Who might I become in this process? (e.g., Athlete: hyper-competitive, injury-prone)

A study of Nobel laureates found they weren’t inherently “smarter”—they simply tolerated decades of experimentation, obscurity, and peer skepticism better than others.

2. The Pre-Mortem

Visualize your goal and its hidden toll:

  • If pursuing X means missing your child’s recitals, can you live with that?

  • If avoiding Y leads to midlife regret, will you forgive yourself?

Elon Musk reportedly sleeps on Tesla’s factory floor during production crises—a cost he’s willing to pay. Would you?

3. Threshold Check

Every pursuit has a pain threshold—the point where costs outweigh benefits. The key is to set these boundaries before committing:

  • “I’ll grind for this promotion, but not at the expense of my marriage”

  • “I’ll chase venture funding, but walk away if terms compromise my values”

The Unavoidable Truth

All pains are not created equal. The exhaustion of building something meaningful differs fundamentally from the ache of unrealized potential. One leaves you sore but satisfied; the other festers into regret.

A 102-year-old holocaust survivor once said her life’s lesson: “What you run from pursues you. What you confront transforms you.”

The Final Choice

Life doesn’t ask if you’ll pay—it asks how and where.

  • The weight of discipline or the burden of regret

  • The friction of growth or the stagnation of comfort

  • The vulnerability of love or the isolation of self-protection

Before chasing any dream, ask not just “Do I want this?” but “Am I willing to become the person this requires?”

Because in the end, we don’t get what we wish for—we get what we’re willing to pay for.

Two Quotes

  1. “Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. You can’t get to courage without walking through vulnerability. You can’t get to strength without walking through struggle.” - Oprah Winfrey

  2. “Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools. Victory belongs to the most persevering. The world suffers far less from cruelty than from indecision.” - Napoleon Bonaparte

Three Tweets

To Building Fortitude.

 Best Regards,

Colin Jonov, Founder & CEO Athletic Fortitude

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Spotlight on Our Sponsors: All Black Everything Energy Drink and No Limit Physiques

We are proud to partner with sponsors who share our commitment to a holistic approach in building mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy athletes.

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No Limit Physiques offers comprehensive coaching that goes beyond physical training. Their expert team focuses on the overall well-being of athletes. From personalized workout plans to nutritional guidance to supplementation to healing peptides, No Limit Physiques ensures that athletes are equipped to handle the demands of their sport and life.