The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

Why Your "Positive Thinking" Isn't Working: The Misunderstood Power of Energy and Action

The Fortitude Chronicle: A Weekly Digest of Athletic Determination

Welcome to The Fortitude Chronicle, a weekly newsletter devoted to helping you enhance mental fortitude and conquer life's challenges.

In this week's edition, we unpack the depth of what the Law of Attraction really is.

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The Athletic Fortitude Show

Monday’s Mindset

Why Your "Positive Thinking" Isn't Working: The Misunderstood Power of Energy and Action

The Law of Attraction, often misunderstood and frequently misrepresented, is not some mystical force that magically manifests your desires. Rather, it's a powerful principle that operates on a simple yet profound truth: you get back what you put out into the world.

This concept isn't about wishful thinking or vision boards. It's about the tangible, measurable impact of your actions, thoughts, and energy on your environment and the people around you. It's physics, psychology, and sociology rolled into one.

Every interaction, every decision, every habit you cultivate is sending a signal to the universe. Not in some new-age, ethereal sense, but in a very real, cause-and-effect manner. Your actions are like pebbles thrown into a pond, creating ripples that extend far beyond their initial impact.

If you consistently radiate negativity, cynicism, and doubt, you're essentially training the world to respond to you in kind. Your pessimistic outlook becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, attracting situations and people that reinforce your worldview. It's not that the universe is conspiring against you; it's that you've unconsciously set yourself up for these outcomes.

Conversely, when you approach life with curiosity, optimism, and a growth mindset, you create a different set of ripples. You become more open to opportunities, more resilient in the face of setbacks, and more likely to persevere until you succeed. This isn't magical thinking – it's a practical approach to life that yields tangible results.

The key is to understand that the Law of Attraction isn't about passively waiting for good things to happen. It's about actively aligning your thoughts, actions, and energy with your goals. It's about becoming the person who deserves the outcomes you desire.

Want to attract success? Start embodying the qualities of successful people. Cultivate discipline, embrace continuous learning, and develop resilience. Want to attract meaningful relationships? Become the kind of person you'd want to be around. Practice empathy, active listening, and genuine interest in others.

This principle extends beyond personal interactions to your professional life as well. The work you put out into the world acts as a beacon, attracting like-minded individuals and opportunities. If you consistently produce high-quality work, solve real problems, and add value to your field, you'll naturally attract the attention of those who appreciate and need what you offer.

It's crucial to note that this isn't about immediate gratification. The Law of Attraction operates more like compound interest than a slot machine. Small, consistent actions compound over time, eventually leading to significant outcomes.

Moreover, it's not just about attracting positive outcomes; it's equally about repelling what doesn't serve you. When you're clear about your values and goals, you naturally start to filter out distractions, toxic relationships, and opportunities that don't align with your vision.

Implementing this principle effectively requires a few key steps:

1. Self-awareness: Understand your current patterns of thought and behavior. Are they aligned with what you want to attract?

2. Intentionality: Make conscious choices about the energy you put out into the world. This includes your words, actions, and even your body language.

3. Consistency: Remember, it's not about sporadic bursts of positivity, but about maintaining a consistent alignment with your goals.

4. Patience: Trust in the process. The outcomes you seek may not manifest immediately, but with persistence, they will come.

5. Adaptability: Be open to receiving in unexpected ways. Sometimes, the universe's response may not look exactly like what you envisioned, but it might be exactly what you need.

The Law of Attraction, when understood and applied correctly, is less about magical manifestation and more about strategic alignment. It's about creating a resonance between your inner world and your outer reality. When you consistently emit the frequency of your desires through your thoughts, actions, and energy, you create a powerful attractor field.

In essence, the Law of Attraction is a call to personal responsibility. It's an invitation to be deliberate about the person you're becoming and the impact you're having. Because ultimately, what you attract is a reflection of who you are.

So, ask yourself: What kind of energy are you putting out into the world? What kind of person are you becoming? Answer these questions honestly, align your actions accordingly, and watch as the world begins to mirror your intentions back to you.

Two Quotes

  1. "In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety." - Abraham Maslow

  2. "In the end, it's extra effort that separates a winner from second place. But winning takes a lot more that, too. It starts with complete command of the fundamentals. Then it takes desire, determination, discipline, and self-sacrifice. And finally, it takes a great deal of love, fairness and respect for your fellow man. Put all these together, and even if you don't win, how can you lose?" - Jesse Owens

Three Tweets

To Building Fortitude.

 Best Regards,

Colin Jonov, Founder & CEO Athletic Fortitude

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